About Us

About Us

While the demand for web developers only increases, becoming one can be quite a journey!

Our background

The Web Dev Path project was idealized in 2020 in consequence of many conversations with aspirant web developers as well as by considering some personal experiences.

When talking to other junior developers, it was evident the lack of practical experience with version control in a team dynamic was making their integration in a professional environment harder.
Square Brackets

Peer reviews

Most of those new graduates used a version control feature, such as GitHub or Bitbucket, as a repository for their personal projects where they were the only participants. So, all that “branch out and PR review” enriching process was completely unknown to them.

That happened to be a problem either for being considered for “junior” positions and after being hired because, in most cases, their team lead was a very, very busy senior developer…
Open angle bracket

Version control

Another problem found out is that collaborating with open-source projects, the way it is possible to gain some version control experience, can be quite intimidating since there isn’t a clear mentoring aspect.

It can take years for someone to develop “a logic mindset” that allows solving a problem by using a programming language, so just going to an open-source project with a list of available tasks that don’t make any sense won’t cut it.

Our goals


To provide a safe space for juniors to learn how to communicate in a simulated professional environment.


To offer more detailed tasks (GitHub issues) and help the developer assimilate the logical mindset required in a structured project, under guidance following the industry’s best practices throughout the entire process.

Our purpose

The ultimate purpose is to make this platform a portal where Non-Profit Organizations can find support for their web products. That way, new graduates can gain experience while helping a good cause.

To do so, we're coding this platform in Next.js. In the short term, we intend to have a blog where the participants can post anything related to the web development world.

Wanna learn more?

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Junior Developers

If you are a junior web developer looking for some guidance and mentoring, we invite you to join us and start coding our platform. You will learn how to code in a team environment by following issue's instructions and submitting your code to our repository through a PR while guided throughout the entire process.
Our wiki

Experienced Developers

If you are an experienced and patient-loving developer, a true rockstar who wants to mentor juniors, it will be wonderful to have your help to review those PR's, write detailed issues and guide the developers when necessary.
Contact us

How to get started?

After taking a look at our project README and wiki, just send us an email sharing with us about your journey in tech and why you’re interested in joining us.
We've got you!
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Who we are

Kimberly Cashwell

Kimberly Cashwell


Kim loves to design interfaces with the purpose of helping people. She enjoys solving problems with UX and is always learning a new tool or concept.

Camila Santos

Camila Santos


Camila is a UI Designer who loves traveling and is passionate about all parts of the creative process. She believes that creating layouts is a team collaboration work process.

Cheryl M.

Cheryl M.

Full-Stack Developer

Cheryl is a Full-Stack web and mobile developer who loves learning and creating tools to make life easier and improve efficiency. She also enjoys problem-solving and helping new developers

Klesta Luli

Klesta Luli

Front-End Developer

Klesta is a Front-End developer who enjoys merging creative and technical skills to provide useful tools people can use to make their lives easier.

Vincent Medina

Vincent Medina

Web Developer

Vincent is a professional in the IT industry and also a web developer that enjoys contributing to open-source projects in his spare time.

Bernardo Coutinho

Bernardo Coutinho

Full Stack Developer

Bernardo is a full-stack Android and web developer who is always eager to learn and explore new technologies, constantly seeking ways to enhance his projects.

Satoshi Shirosaka

Satoshi Shirosaka

Full Stack Developer

Satoshi is a full-stack developer, who is looking for opportunities to learn something new. He enjoys collaborating with other developers.

Lucas Silva

Lucas Silva

Full-Stack Developer

Lucas is a Full-Stack developer who loves learning about new technologies and helping others. He also loves the power of data, how it can be used to solve real problems, and is always learning about AI/ML.

Tony Kieling

Tony Kieling

Full-stack Developer

Tony is a Software Engineer with a knack for Javascript ecosystems, particularly React and Node.js. His motivation lies in building solutions that make a difference.

Igor Navega

Igor Navega

Business Analyst

Digital Marketing Analyst with a decade of expertise transitioned to Data Analyst. Proud to contribute as a Business Analyst, continually learning and growing.

Jana Behfarshad

Jana Behfarshad

Project Founder

Web Developer

A web dev mum who dreams of teaching her children and others coding. The tech industry is revolving hastily towards creating, inspiring, and contributing to the world. Let's all be a part of it!

Mariana Caldas

Mariana Caldas

Project Founder, Team Lead

Front-End Developer | Scrum Master

Mariana is a Front-End developer who strongly believes in the power of sharing knowledge.

Still got questions?

Feel free to contact us.
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